The Apocrypha in Lent – 11 March

If this is your first visit, please see my introduction to these Lenten readings.

11 March. Ecclesiasticus chapters 8-11

The “wisdom” of these chapters is nothing that humanists could disagree with.  Let’s look at just a couple of examples. Of course, you might say, it is foolish to try and seek justice against a rich or powerful man (8:1-3) because in every society there is corruption.   And given the attitudes and actions of certain “world leaders” at the present day, some of the verses about good government ring very true: “A leader of the people must be shrewd of speech; a phrase-maker is a terror to his town. … An uneducated king will be the ruin of his people; a city owes its prosperity to the intelligence of its leading men.” (9:17, 10:3)

But this book is written very much from the perspective of faith, and there is an underlying assumption that there are moral standards to be upheld.  Religious people are sometimes criticised for making too much of morality; and indeed it is true that Christianity has no “rules” other than those of loving God and loving your neighbour as yourself, from which all other ethical principles can be derived (Mark 12:29-30). Yet there is general agreement between civilised people of all faiths and none that there are essential basic standards in areas such as justice, honesty and fidelity.  For example, given agreement that adultery and promiscuity are generally a “bad thing” and that there should be an “age of consent”, then  we can all agree with the advice here that men’s desire for women makes it risky to go drinking with a married woman, make friends with a sex worker or “stare at a virgin” (9:5-9).

The difference that faith makes, as we read in chapter 11, is that rather than being frustrated and angered at the way some people get away with crime, sin or just being generally nasty – an attitude that tempts us to retaliation – the person who trusts in the God of eternity can take the longer view.  That has two implications. Firstly we can look death in the face and acknowledge our own mortality, something that humans tend to avoid if they have no hope beyond death.  “A man grows rich … and says ‘I have found rest, now I can enjoy my goods’. But he does not know how long this will last; he will have to leave his goods for others and die” – a couplet that may have inspired Jesus’ parable of the wealthy farmer (Luke 12:16-21).

The second is that we can trust in a God whose justice is made complete beyond the grave – “call no man fortunate before his death; it is by his end that a man will be known” (11:28).  So the purpose of all these proverbs is to encourage us to live lives without greed or envy, so that at the last day we, and not the arrogant rich, will find favour with God.  But if you don’t believe in God or the last judgement, then just read them as sensible advice for a stress-free life.



The Apocrypha in Lent – 10 March

If this is your first visit, please see my introduction to these Lenten readings.

10 March. Ecclesiasticus chapters 5-7

Among these chapters of proverbs, I wish to pick out the short passage (6:5-17) that deals with friendship.

Our local Member of Parliament, Rachel Reeves, is currently promoting a campaign to recognise the dangers of loneliness, which she describes as “toxic to health and devastating to communities”. She recommends that we connect more with the people around us – chat to fellow travellers on public transport, colleagues at work, shop workers and so on.  That is the basis of a secure society where people feel included – “a kindly turn of speech multiplies a man’s friends” (Ecclus. 6:5).

But the author of Ecclesiasticus realises that not every acquaintance deserves the name of friend. He warns against three sorts of so-called friend: those who “are friends only when it suits them”, those who “fall out with you and make your quarrel public”, and those who “share your table but do not stand by you in the day of trouble”. A faithful friend, on the other hand, is described as “a sure shelter … beyond price … the elixir of life”.

The best friendships – often those made early  in our adult life, or sometimes even sooner, and which last for decades – are founded on mutual respect (which includes respecting each other’s differences as well as shared interests), empathy and a willingness to get involved when our friend is in trouble.  The Biblical writer describes these as “one in a thousand” which sounds about right  – we probably get to know a thousand people reasonably well in the course of a lifetime, but may only have a couple of really good friends. Treasure them.

The Apocrypha in Lent – 9 March

If this is your first visit, please see my introduction to these Lenten readings.

9 March. Ecclesiasticus chapters 1-4

This book, the longest of the Apocrypha, is another book of wisdom sayings.  Wisdom in the biblical sense, of course, is closely connected with obedience to God and faith in Him.

As this weekend includes Mothering Sunday, I will look at the several references in chapter 3 to mothers (there are a similar number about fathers, too).  Some of them are positive:

“He who honours his mother is like someone amassing a fortune”; “He who sets his mother at ease is showing obedience to the Lord”.

Some sayings seem rather archaic – “The Lord upholds the rights of a mother over her sons”

Some are even negative, acknowledging that in real life some families are dysfunctional: “A mother’s curse tears up the foundations of the houses of her children”; “Whoever angers his mother is accursed of the Lord”.  Only recently  I saw a middle-aged man shouting aggressively at an old woman in a wheelchair who turned out to be his mother, and he turned angrily on me when I attempted to placate them.  There is a real need to both educate people in good relationships, and to pray for those who are caught up in bad ones.

The final reference compares mothers and God himself, both renowned for their unceasing love. “Be like a father to orphans, and as good as a husband to widows, and you will be like a son to the Most High, whose love for you will surpass your mother’s” (4:10-11)