The Bible in a a Year – 2 June

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2 June. Ezekiel chapter 12

Chapter 12 contains the second of the acted parables, this time with Ezekiel packing his bags and making as if to leave the city through hole in the wall, as a sign that the walls of Jerusalem were about to be broken down and its remaining inhabitants taken into exile.  He was also told to explain to the people that God’s judgement would be delayed no longer and that his prophecies were about imminent events, not the far future.


It is a human tendency to ignore bad news, to put off dealing with difficult challenges, and to hope that something will turn up to prevent the worst from happening  We see that in a big way in our day with climate change: although the vast majority of people accept the need to do something about it, both ordinary people and politicians are slow to make commitments to reduce emissions and pollution, and even when countries do set targets, typically to reach a lower level of emissions within (say)  10 or 30 years, they generally do nothing until the last couple of years, then apologise that there was not enough time to meet the commitment, and postpone the target date.  But the change is here, and the time for action is now!