The Bible in a Year – 14 January

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14 January. Genesis chapters 41 to 42

Joseph’s God-given interpretation of Pharaoh’s dreams of cows and grain was another turning point in a very varied, but often difficult life.  Over the years he had experienced being a father’s favourite son, then sold into slavery, later becoming a king’s closest aide before being disgraced on the basis of a false accusation of assault. Now he is restored to favour and made ‘minister for food’ for the whole country.  And all before the age of 30!  At this time of year the Methodist church, and increasingly others following their example, hold a ‘covenant service’ in which we commit ourselves anew to following the God who is faithful, and whose guidance and purpose is seen as much in the difficult times as the good ones. “Put me to all things, put me to nothing; let me be employed for you or laid aside for you”. A difficult promise to make, and to keep, but one to be held on to, knowing that God’s promises of redemption and eternal life are sure, and that his wider purposes can be achieved through our own setbacks. As Joseph explained to Pharaoh when giving his interpretation, “it is not I, but God who will give you a favourable answer”.



