Lord, you are the light of life

Today’s hymn from Sing Praise is “Lord you are the light of life to me” by Brian Hoare. After a run of three familiar songs, this one, and its composer, are new to me. Brian also composed the tune, which has the unusual metrical pattern of and so can’t easily be substituted with another.  For once I’m writing this before seeing John’s rendition so maybe he will have written his own?

This is a personal sort of hymn, written in terms of “I and me”. It addresses the Lord Jesus directly as a friend, as well as a King (verse 5).  He is variously addressed as the light of life who guides me, the rock who keeps me safe when I am weak, the truth who brings freedom and liberty, the Lamb who died for love of me (and set an example for the way I should love others), and finally the king who reigns perfectly and unceasingly, in contrast to earth’s rulers.   Although new to me, this is a hymn I would be happy to use in a church service when occasion arises, as well as devotionally.

Holy is the Lord

Image from Chong Soon Kim / Pinterest.com

Today’s song from Sing Praise is ‘Holy, holy, holy is the Lord’. It’s described in the book as anonymous, which is a bit surprising as it’s a modern song, not an ancient hymn.  Like the last two days, it’s one I’m already familiar with.

The words appear to be inspired by the Book of Revelation, in which Jesus is hailed by both humans and angels as the holy one (for having ascended to the right hand of God), the one worthy of praise (for his sacrifice for us) and the one to whom glory is due.  By equating Jesus with the eternal God, this text (the original Revelation as well as the modern song) challenges any notion of all religions being equal. In particular it confronts the insistence of Judaism and, perhaps especially, Islam that God is sublime and cannot be seen or take human form. The early apostles insisted that they had indeed seen, known and touched a true incarnation of God. It is this as well as its social teaching of the equality of all people that made Christianity so subversive, and in many places still does.

The other phrase that recurs in each verse is “who was, and is, and is to come”.  This refers to God being eternal, beyond time and space.  It also reflects the Christian belief that by ‘Christ’ we mean not just Jesus of Nazareth but the eternal reality of the Word of God (the way God communicates with us) and that he has promised to return again in some visible form. As Very Lynn might have put it, “don’t know where, don’t know when, but we know we’ll meet again”.   This is leading us gradually towards the Kingdom Season in November and then into Advent.

Halle, halle, halle, Hallelujah!

Today’s song from Sing Praise has very simple words: Hallelujah. That’s it.  To be more precise it’s Geoff Weaver’s arrangement of a Caribbean chant, best sung in four parts, of which John managed at least two. 

The word Hallelujah (or alleluia, as you prefer) is of Jewish origin, just meaning ‘Praise God’ or ‘Praise the Lord’.  It’s a widely known word outside religious circles, perhaps through the Jewish musician Leonard Cohen’s song of the same name with some religious references in the lyrics, or Handel’s Hallelujah Chorus, or more profane uses such as the popular disco song of the 1990s ‘Hallelujah, it’s raining men’.  Many people use it as an epithet on its own, either to give thanks to God for some small answer to prayer, or in an ironic way (“Hallelujah, he’s understood it at last!”) Perhaps this just reflects the basic human instinct for praise, whether of God or other people. The present song is very joyful in style, as indeed praise should be.  If praise is expressed reluctantly or unenthusiastically, it isn’t really praise.

Let us build a house

Floor to rafter: the nave ceiling of
St Mary Magdalene, Taunton, Somerset

Today’s hymn from Sing Praise is ‘Let us build a house where love can dwell’ by Marty Haugen. It’s a hymn about inclusion in the church, and about the church being more than its buildings.  As a recent report from the Church of England put it, Christians vary from being ‘Temple people’ for whom a beautiful building is of great importance to their worship and witness, to ‘Tent people’ for whom the building is nothing more than a temporary shelter to host the all-important task of proclaiming the Gospel. 

Marty Haugen comes across as more of a Tent person in this hymn.  There is indeed some memorable building imagery: rock and vault, wood and stone, floor to rafter (incidentally, the recently deceased American folk singer Nanci Griffith uses that exact phrase ‘floor to rafter’, also rhymed with laughter, in one of her songs: did one of them pinch it from the other?)  But there is much more imagery of the activities that our buildings should host: love and safety; hopes, dreams, visions and prophecy; a banqueting hall; peace and justice; healing, serving and teaching; songs, laughter and prayers. 

This balance is at the heart of my work for the Church, helping local congregations across Yorkshire care for historic buildings at the same time as encouraging sensitive adaptation of those buildings to the present and future needs of mission. If our buildings become museums of architecture then we’ve swung too far the wrong way, for the house of God should be both a house of prayer (as Jesus called the Temple) and a haven for all those in need of grace.

I will praise the Lord for ever and ever

Today’s hymn from Sing Praise is “I’ll praise the Lord for ever and ever” by Paul Wigmore. It’s based on parts of Psalm 34 (specifically, verses 1, 4, 8 and 22 of the psalm for the four verses of the hymn, and v.3 for the chorus). The psalm as a whole is one of the more positive ones (in the New Revised Standard Version it’s captioned ‘Praise for deliverance from trouble’), and these selected verses are the most affirming of all.  “I will praise the Lord for ever and ever, my soul shall boast of his wonderful name”, and the other verses say how he answers prayer, delivers us from fear, offers secure refuge and redeems but never condemns those who trust in him.

All this makes it a good sing (whether using the tune provided, or the one that John wrote). But the Psalms are still much-used precisely because they contain such a wide range of emotions, representing the reality of life that even those who do have faith in God can still suffer some awful experiences that test that very faith.    Perhaps the composer of this hymn should have included some of the verses of PS.34 that acknowledge this (“this poor soul cried, and was heard by the Lord … keep your tongue from evil and your lips from speaking deceit … many are the afflictions of the righteous”).

Lamb of God, have mercy on us

Stained glass window, St Paul’s Church, Healey, N. Yorkshire
cc-by-sa/2.0 – © Maigheach-gheal

Today’s song is a setting by John Bell of the Agnus dei, a standard part of the Communion service in traditional churches. The words are simple, though repeated: “Lamb of God, have mercy on us. Lamb of God, give us your peace”. The Lamb is Jesus as the symbolic sacrifice who reconciles us to God, offering mercy instead of condemnation for our sins and peace instead of the mixture of pride, shame and worry that so often clouds our minds. The Church is often criticised by those outside it for being ‘obsessed with sin’, and it’s true that most gatherings for worship include a form of confession or at least a request for God to have mercy on us.  Is this really needed? 

This seeking and receiving of God’s mercy is often discussed with the analogy of washing – “Was me from my iniquity, and cleanse me from my sin” wrote King David in Psalm 51.  To extend the metaphor, there are different forms or degrees of washing as there are degrees of uncleanness.  It’s good hygiene practice to wash hands frequently and take regular showers, just because in the normal course of life we pick up germs and we sweat. Nothing exceptional about that, it’s just the way life is, and in the same way it’s good to seek God’s mercy regularly for the many small or even unnoticed ways in which we directly or indirectly fail to love our neighbours as ourselves as part of the human condition.  Singing a devotional song like this may be adequate to deal with them.

Then there are the more noticeable sins, deliberate acts or omissions for which we should specifically say sorry both to God and neighbour, just as we particularly need a good wash when we’ve fallen in the mud, then we can walk away feeling clean again.  But there are also the ‘big sins’ which seriously harm our relationships with God and neighbour (for further discussion of this look up any text on the distinction between ‘mortal’ and ‘venial’ sins).  Like someone who has fallen, or for that matter deliberately jumped, into a tank of farmyard slurry. A quick shower won’t do the job, they and their clothes will stink for a long time.  Such was David’s sin over Bathsheba and Uriah and such sins may need formal confession and counselling as we seek to come to a deep repentance. But Jesus promises that mercy can be found even for these – only the ‘sin against the Holy Spirit’ cannot be forgiven (and again, a discussion of that us outside the scope of a short blog).

Keep calm and carry on

Jesus calms the storm.
“Codex Egberti” (10th century). Public domain.

The song I picked for yesterday (8 October) was “Calm me, Lord, as you calmed the storm”.  The words are by David Adam, a writer (one might even say poet) in the Northumbrian Christian tradition, and the tune is by Margaret Rizza who has written several devotional songs of this nature herself.

It’s a short reflective song asking Jesus to give us inner peace as he calmed the storm that threatened to sink his disciples’ boat. This incident or ‘sign’ in the Gospels is understood in Christian teaching to reveal that Jesus not only has supernatural powers but also that he is so concerned about our individual troubles that he will do whatever it takes to help us to cope.  But two things in the story stood out for me when I last preached on it: that he only intervenes when the disciples actively call out for help, and that while he stops the boat from sinking he doesn’t immediately take them to land (on this occasion, at least).  They were still far out on the lake with water to be baled out of the boat and a long way to row.  Sometimes Jesus works miracles, other times he just helps us to “keep calm and carry on”.

My Jesus, my saviour

Today’s song from Sing Praise (it’s really not a hymn in the traditional sense) is ‘My Jesus, My Saviour’ by Darlene Zschech.  Incidentally I’ve often wondered how her name should be pronounced.  I have heard it said like either ‘Check’ or ‘Zetch’. But I’ve just looked up her Wikipedia biography where (using the international phonetic alphabet) it’s nearer ‘Check’. Anyhow, this is undoubtedly her best-known song and one of the most popular of its kind across churches of many traditions.

Perhaps its popularity is in its memorable melodies (I leave John to comment on the piano accompaniment), as well as a sort of feel-good factor in the words.  According to the above-mentioned biography (which is worth reading) Darlene wrote it during a time of personal struggle; maybe that is why it resonates with so many people, as a song of hope and faith. Jesus is indeed a ‘tower of refuge and strength’ at such times.  And in the way that she finds the words and music to praise God through difficulties, it’s really a Psalm for our times.

God beyond earth’s finest treasures

Today’s hymn from Sing Praise is ‘God beyond earth’s finest treasures’ by Martin Leckebusch. It’s a paraphrase of Psalm 16, and a good one at that. 

The words are addressed in the first person (I/me) to God, so this is a devotional hymn – in verse 1, ‘you alone shall have my praise’, and in verse 2 ‘countless gifts your love has planned’, ‘safe within your care I stand’.  But it’s also a declaration of commitment: ‘I will love your cherished people, I will serve you all my days’.  The final verse looks forward to the promise of eternal life: ‘When my earthly days are over, fresh delights remain in store’.

The words fit the suggested tune ‘St Helen’ well, but it was a bit of a surprise, as this tune is usually associated with the Catholic eucharistic hymn ‘Lord enthroned in heavenly splendour’. The present words are very different in tone, but it works.

Christ be Lord of all our days

6th Century icon of Christ Pantocrator
Unknown author / Wikimedia Commons (Public domain)

Today’s hymn from Sing Praise is “Christ be the Lord of all our days” by Timothy Dudley-Smith.  John indicated that it was originally written with the tune ‘Repton’ (‘Dear Lord an Father’) and used that instead of tune ‘Cloth Fair’ in the book.

As the first word hints, this is all about Christ.  Each verse focuses on one aspect of his relationship with us. The first, ‘Lord of all our days … of our unremembered birth … of our griefs and fears’, reminds us that he is with us throughout our lives whether known and remembered or not.

In the second verse, Christ is ‘Source of all our deeds ..the fount [of] springs of love … the ground of all our prayers’. Source, fount, ground all suggest a priority: it is the existence and love of Christ that should motivate our actions, rather than us turning to him once we’ve decided what to do. But it’s not easy to make a habit of that.

In the third verse, which logically perhaps should be the last but isn’t, Christ is ‘the goal of all our hopes, the end to whom we come … our many-mansioned home’. If he initiates our actions, from our ‘unremembered birth’  then he is also the one to whom we come at the hour of our death.

Finally, he is ‘the vision of our lives … light of everlasting light, the bright and morning star’.  In between birth and death, it is Christ who should illuminate those actions that he has already prompted and that will lead us home to him.