Creator God, the world around

Today’s hymn from Sing Praise is “Creator God, the world around” by Brian Hoare. The suggested tune is ‘Melita’, better known to the words “Eternal Father strong to save” (the sailors’ hymn). 

Like yesterday’s hymn, the focus is on God as creator, the beauty of the natural world being celebrated in the words of the first verse. But here he is also hailed as Composer in verse 2, celebrating the use of God-given musical talents in worship, and as Designer in verse 3, as the visual arts in their various forms also play their part in our places of worship, as well as on Christian retreats and so on.

The last pair of lines of each of these verses begins “Yet…”, to express the idea that however much we appreciate natural or human-made beauty, and although they undoubtedly play their part in enhancing worship, they must always be inadequate to understand the creator fully.  So the last verse offers a contrast: “Mysterious God … in Jesus Christ you show your face: a God of love and truth and grace”.  

Yes, we believe Jesus to have been fully divine as well as fully human.  But can this one life lived on earth, however perfectly, show the fullness of God any more than the ways listed above?  Surely the full majesty of Jesus Christ was shown only through his resurrection, ascension and giving of the Holy Spirit? Others may beg to differ.

One thought on “Creator God, the world around”

  1. Um – I see what Stephen means in his final paragraph, but I suppose I took the phrase “in Jesus Christ you show your face” to mean “in the whole of Jesus Christ – his resurrection and ascension and giving of the Holy Spirit as well as his earthly ministry of preaching, teaching, healing and demonstrating God’s love – you show your face.” Will that do?

    Melita is a powerful tune and was originally meant for “Eternal Father strong to save … for those in peril on the sea” – its shifting harmonies and chromatic bass were intended to evoke the waves and surges. I have also used the tune for other hymns, but have always wondered about the aptness of doing so – and Brian Hoare’s hymn likewise brings this wondering to my mind.

    But I think the hymn is a worthy reflection. Creation, Music and Design can show a part of God, but for his full reality we need him personally, in our Lord Jesus Christ. It is the New Testament’s answer to Psalm 19.

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