The Bible in a Year – 2 October

If this is your first viewing, please see my Introduction before reading this.

2 October. 2 Chronicles chapters 25-27

These chapters tell of the reigns of three successive kings of Judah: Amaziah, Uzziah, and Jotham. Broadly speaking, they are remembered as being “good kings” who honoured God, although each of them at some point in his reign did something that displeased the Lord: Amaziah by bringing idols back as part of his war booty and worshipping them, Uzziah by presuming to act as a priest as well as a king; and Jotham by letting the people follow “corrupt practices” (probably idolatry, though other sins could be intended).

The name of Uzziah is more familiar than most of the other kings of Judah, because of the prophecy of Isaiah (who is in fact mentioned here at 26:22), who dates his vision of the glory of God to “the year that king Uzziah died” (Isaiah 6:1).  In fact, the beginning of the book of Isaiah states that his ministry covered the reigns of Uzziah, Jotham, Ahaz, and Hezekiah.  Isaiah, perhaps along with Ezekiel, is considered the greatest of the Old Testament prophets, and the fact that God raised him up at this time to prophesy the coming destruction of the kingdom shows that the end was already near for Israel and Judah.

Perhaps the clearest sign that this was so, was Amaziah’s apparently unprovoked challenge to king Joash of Israel (25:17). Joash does not want to enter into battle but is forced into it, wins, and sacks the city of Jerusalem.  From then on there can be no peace between these kingdoms that had once been “one nation under God”, nor any alliance between them when external threats arose, as they surely would.  Jesus may have had this in mind when he said that “a kingdom divided against itself is laid waste” (Matthew 12:25).

Here in 2017 we are living in a time when division rather than union is the spirit of the age. Just this week, the Catalan region of Spain has held an “illegal” referendum on independence with accompanying police brutality, and the Kurds in Iraq have likewise voted for separation (which is unlikely to be recognised). Britain continues to negotiate the best of a bad deal having decided by a slim majority to leave the European Union; and the politics of the “United” States (also founded as “one nation under God”) is becoming increasingly polarised. Other countries that have split in the last ten years include Sudan and Serbia.

So where are the prophets of our day who will challenge kings and presidents, “freedom fighters” and “resistance movements”, to tell them that God’s will is for all humanity to live in peace, and in particular for all those who acknowledge him to live as brothers and sisters?

It may be a little early for Christmas carols, but the words of one seem very apposite just now:
But with the woes of sin and strife
The world has suffered long;
Beneath the angel-strain have rolled
Two thousand years of wrong;
And man, at war with man, hears not
The love song which they bring; –
O hush the noise, ye men of strife,
And hear the angels sing!

The Bible in a Year – 3 May

If this is your first viewing, please see my Introduction before reading this.

3 May. Isaiah chapter 18-22

These chapters continue the series of political oracles of previous ones, and as I mentioned in yesterday’s post, it really needs a proper commentary to understand them.  But the gist of them is that Judah should not rely on any of these foreign nations, even Egypt, for protection against Assyria, for all of them would fall to Assyria in due course.  Judah was better being independent.


In this ‘Brexit era’ in Britain it would be easy to see in this a message that we  should be proud to be self-reliant (“strong and stable” in our Prime Minister’s words). But time and again God warns his people that self-reliance, even reliance on the gifts that God has given, are actually a recipe for disaster just as much as relying on others for help.  The Lord alone is our refuge, strength rock and so on.  If Britain has a prosperous future then, just as for Judah in Isaiah’s day, it will only be if we turn to God.  That does not mean declaring ourselves a “Christian country” in some neo-Crusader sense and tearing down mosques. Rather it means being continuing to be open, tolerant, generous in foreign aid, welcoming of strangers (especially those in need such as refugees), and committed to trade justice rather than “free trade” or damaging trade barriers.


The last of these oracles in chapter 22 is directed at two particular government ministers – the commentary explains that these were real men. One of them was self-seeking and corrupt, and would be deposed and replaced by the other who was God-fearing and like a father to his people.  Nevertheless he too would be brought down by the unrealistic expectations placed upon him.  Neither should we expect too much from our own leaders at this politically difficult time.  But as an election looms we should ask ourselves, “who would lead this country in the most unselfish, generous ways?”